she is stupid, i have a message for teen and little girls, a slut is not a role model, she hints that she has maybe had UNDERAGE SEX, IS THAT A GOOD ROLE MODEL! HELL NO! FUCK YOU MILEY! FUCK YOU!
seriousslyyy. all you bitchess are justtt jelousss. she's gott it going for her & all of you areee justt hattinn'.. what you do best.
every girll does this, wether they are completly naked, or half clothed! get over it.. just because yours hasnt gone on block doesnt meann you gottaa be a bitchhh ass!
miley'ss the shittt & she will hold her head up evenn if you guys try and put her downnnn.
I dont usually do this. But to the message down at the very bottom about all the haters hah. These people aren't 'hatin' or rather 'hattin' as you put it so incorrectly. People have there opinions and most of what these people are saying. She is going down that toilets, she will become the next little deviant of Hollywood and she is a role model for kids. You should keep pictures like that to yourself and not let them leak keep good tabs on them. If she didn't want everyone to see them she would take better care of where shes pointing her camera.
"she is stupid, i have a message for teen and little girls, a slut is not a role model, she hints that she has maybe had UNDERAGE SEX, IS THAT A GOOD ROLE MODEL! HELL NO! FUCK YOU MILEY! FUCK YOU!"
really? thats your message to young girls and you want them to hear that? im only fifteen myself and im pretty positive my parents still dont want me to hear language like that. if youre saying that the message is for 'teen and little girls' then that leads me to believe that youre an adult. dont you think someone talking to a child should have the intelligence not to say things like that?
and no, im not hating, or supporting her. but it was a simple mistake. everyone makes mistakes. just like vanessa hudgens, they were supposed to be private but people seem to have the need to pry into other peoples business.
who really fukkin cares what she is doing its her life would you like someone to be following you around 24 7 ya right. shut the fuck up about other people's lives ok bitches
wow it's really not ok if she dosent want to be a role model she needs to get out of showbiz esspecialy Disney she brought it on her self if she dosent want the pictures to get out don't take them I'm only 12 and I used to look up to her but this Is what I DID look up to I'm not gonna six and four and five year olds look up to that slut esspeacialy my little sister look up to her so......she can suck it
i think she's just stupid to be quite honest. these pictures were taken before she was famous, but regardless i was a 15 year old girl once too and i didn't take half naked pictures of myself to send around the internet.
i dont think that she should have taken the pics in the first place. i mean sure, she might want to. its not "right" to take "half naked" pics of yourself and then post them on the internet. have some dignity, miley. think of your family. everything you do reflects to ur family and how ... i hate to say it.... they raised you. and if she desperately needed to take the pics for her sake, she could have taken them, saw them and deleted them. SIMPLE! but no. ou had to keep them.. and i dont know if she uploaded them or not, but it would have been wiser to just not taken the pics, and them none of this bull shit would have happened. im still a fan. i guess. but seriously miley, wat r they going to say next? "Miley Cyrus got knocked up by her boyfriend, and here's a vid of them!" All im saying here is just, think before you act. Basic. :-)
miley cyrus is repulsive, and should be wearing a bra... at all times. nobody should have to see her fucking saggies, and her pudge.. even though she's trying to suck in. it's called a gym miley, you should seriously think about going.
you all need to get over it seriously everyone doesn't post this stuff sick pervert's do maybe she was trying to keep it to herself i don't see why she would want this all over the internet maybe she just goin through like every other famous person does alot of them do it so she still awesome you guy's need to stop being jealous and just stop throwing a fit it could of been an accident!@@
miley cyrus is a cunt her tv show is so fuckign retarded and her singing isnt anything new shes just a untalented spoiled bitch and for the person who was all im 15 and my parents dont want em to hear tht launguage shut the fuck up im 14 and i dont care
You people need to get a life and quit chasing celebrities like they're idols. Just because she is successful, you try to bring her down. JUST LIKE YOU ALL DID TO BRITNEY SPEARS.
the average age to lose your virginity is 16 to 17 yrs.
and she's just a stupid girl; just like most of you women were at her age; worrying about boys and make-up. some make dumber mistakes. hers is in the public light. If people didn't pay attention to celebrity gossip then life in america would be slightly less annoying.
What the fuck is everyones problem?? Its not like she is running around sleeping with everyone and getting naked on TV. Girls don't have to see the pics if they don't want too. And just because she took pics like that doesn't mean she is sleeping with him, and, even if she is, what does it matter? Is it any of our buisness? REALLY PEOPLE, get over it.
What the fuck is everyones problem?? Its not like she is running around sleeping with everyone and getting naked on TV. Girls don't have to see the pics if they don't want too. And just because she took pics like that doesn't mean she is sleeping with him, and, even if she is, what does it matter? Is it any of our buisness? REALLY PEOPLE, get over it.
This is her decision to put pictures like this... It isn't really the smartest thing to do because as you can tell people talk shit a/b others... to be honest she doesn't have the best body ... she should work out a bit.. but damn she is lucky she ended up with Justin Gaston..
haha im only 16 but shit if i were her i'd jump on that toooo big deal she's livin her life GET OVER IT. all your little girls are gonna do that one day too, weather you think it or not so get over it & stop complaining cause she nor anyone else gives a SHIT
why can't people just get over themselves and realize that it is her life and she gets to do what ever she wants about it.unless yu have lived her life, dont judge her because yu don't know, never have, && never will know every little thing and detail about her. for all yu know, yu could be worse..
OMG!!! she is an idol to all girls and if she behaves like that then little girls will think its ok to be like that..and its not!!!
It isn't? ME ME MEE.
she is stupid, i have a message for teen and little girls, a slut is not a role model, she hints that she has maybe had UNDERAGE SEX, IS THAT A GOOD ROLE MODEL! HELL NO! FUCK YOU MILEY! FUCK YOU!
i'd have underage sex with her.
i dont get why she is taking pictures of her self... and if she has been taking these pictures, that means that there are WAY MORE.
maybe she is insecure... i don't know. she is only 15.
seriousslyyy. all you bitchess are justtt jelousss. she's gott it going for her & all of you areee justt hattinn'.. what you do best.
every girll does this, wether they are completly naked, or half clothed! get over it.. just because yours hasnt gone on block doesnt meann you gottaa be a bitchhh ass!
miley'ss the shittt & she will hold her head up evenn if you guys try and put her downnnn.
I dont usually do this. But to the message down at the very bottom about all the haters hah. These people aren't 'hatin' or rather 'hattin' as you put it so incorrectly. People have there opinions and most of what these people are saying. She is going down that toilets, she will become the next little deviant of Hollywood and she is a role model for kids. You should keep pictures like that to yourself and not let them leak keep good tabs on them. If she didn't want everyone to see them she would take better care of where shes pointing her camera.
"she is stupid, i have a message for teen and little girls, a slut is not a role model, she hints that she has maybe had UNDERAGE SEX, IS THAT A GOOD ROLE MODEL! HELL NO! FUCK YOU MILEY! FUCK YOU!"
really? thats your message to young girls and you want them to hear that?
im only fifteen myself and im pretty positive my parents still dont want me to hear language like that. if youre saying that the message is for 'teen and little girls' then that leads me to believe that youre an adult. dont you think someone talking to a child should have the intelligence not to say things like that?
and no, im not hating, or supporting her. but it was a simple mistake. everyone makes mistakes. just like vanessa hudgens, they were supposed to be private but people seem to have the need to pry into other peoples business.
i think miley is soooooooooo hot she just showin off so fuck it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg i agree miley is soooooooooooooo f*@!#/ hot ill haveunderage sex with her hotass any day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
who really fukkin cares what she is doing its her life would you like someone to be following you around 24 7 ya right. shut the fuck up about other people's lives ok bitches
wow it's really not ok if she dosent want to be a role model she needs to get out of showbiz esspecialy Disney she brought it on her self if she dosent want the pictures to get out don't take them I'm only 12 and I used to look up to her but this Is what I DID look up to I'm not gonna six and four and five year olds look up to that slut esspeacialy my little sister look up to her so......she can suck it
i think she's just stupid to be quite honest.
these pictures were taken before she was famous, but regardless i was a 15 year old girl once too and i didn't take half naked pictures of myself to send around the internet.
i dont think that she should have taken the pics in the first place. i mean sure, she might want to. its not "right" to take "half naked" pics of yourself and then post them on the internet. have some dignity, miley. think of your family. everything you do reflects to ur family and how ... i hate to say it.... they raised you. and if she desperately needed to take the pics for her sake, she could have taken them, saw them and deleted them. SIMPLE! but no. ou had to keep them.. and i dont know if she uploaded them or not, but it would have been wiser to just not taken the pics, and them none of this bull shit would have happened. im still a fan. i guess. but seriously miley, wat r they going to say next? "Miley Cyrus got knocked up by her boyfriend, and here's a vid of them!" All im saying here is just, think before you act. Basic. :-)
Fuck Disney, fuck you I would fuck that hot ass any day
thanks for all your opinions!!! keep commenting x
miley cyrus is repulsive, and should be wearing a bra... at all times. nobody should have to see her fucking saggies, and her pudge.. even though she's trying to suck in. it's called a gym miley, you should seriously think about going.
you all need to get over it seriously everyone doesn't post this stuff sick pervert's do maybe she was trying to keep it to herself i don't see why she would want this all over the internet maybe she just goin through like every other famous person does alot of them do it so she still awesome you guy's need to stop being jealous and just stop throwing a fit it could of been an accident!@@
miley cyrus is a cunt her tv show is so fuckign retarded and her singing isnt anything new shes just a untalented spoiled bitch
and for the person who was all im 15 and my parents dont want em to hear tht launguage shut the fuck up im 14 and i dont care
You people need to get a life and quit chasing celebrities like they're idols. Just because she is successful, you try to bring her down. JUST LIKE YOU ALL DID TO BRITNEY SPEARS.
That is a fake pic of Miley...
a lot anger.
the average age to lose your virginity is 16 to 17 yrs.
and she's just a stupid girl; just like most of you women were at her age; worrying about boys and make-up. some make dumber mistakes. hers is in the public light. If people didn't pay attention to celebrity gossip then life in america would be slightly less annoying.
What the fuck is everyones problem?? Its not like she is running around sleeping with everyone and getting naked on TV. Girls don't have to see the pics if they don't want too. And just because she took pics like that doesn't mean she is sleeping with him, and, even if she is, what does it matter? Is it any of our buisness? REALLY PEOPLE, get over it.
What the fuck is everyones problem?? Its not like she is running around sleeping with everyone and getting naked on TV. Girls don't have to see the pics if they don't want too. And just because she took pics like that doesn't mean she is sleeping with him, and, even if she is, what does it matter? Is it any of our buisness? REALLY PEOPLE, get over it.
This is her decision to put pictures like this... It isn't really the smartest thing to do because as you can tell people talk shit a/b others... to be honest she doesn't have the best body ... she should work out a bit.. but damn she is lucky she ended up with Justin Gaston..
haha im only 16 but shit if i were her i'd jump on that toooo
big deal she's livin her life GET OVER IT. all your little girls are gonna do that one day too, weather you think it or not so get over it & stop complaining cause she nor anyone else gives a SHIT
why can't people just get over themselves and realize that it is her life and she gets to do what ever she wants about it.unless yu have lived her life, dont judge her because yu don't know, never have, && never will know every little thing and detail about her. for all yu know, yu could be worse..
id fuck her all night long
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